The Scar is the Score

The Scar is the Score was piloted at the 2021 Normal? Festival of the Brain

Title: The Scar is the Score

Theme: (How) can we find the lessons and treasure from mental and physical illnesses and restrictions? What can we heal/ fix? What can we learn how to live/thrive with?


To generate a sustainable framework for either healing or working with our illnesses, pains and physical and mental restrictions and differences


Resources: Dance space, Paper, Pastels, Notebooks, pens, light food and beverages to create welcome, Soft secluded self-care area, Listening, attention, inclusion



Activities: A series of Workshops containing:

Movement Ritual: A series of gentle movements paying attention to each body part in turn and that can be adapted to diverse physicalities

3LA: Three levels of awareness: Mental, Physical + Emotional = Spiritual

TKIP: Cycling between expressive movement, drawing and writing

5 Part process: Identify, Confront, Integrate, Change, Grow

Communication Model: Individual, Partner and Group listening, witnessing, sharing, non-judgmental feedback

Individual workshops:

Dance of Welcome: Introduction to TLAP (Tamalpa Life/ Art Process)

Dance of Limitation: Exploring which Body parts/ areas are calling for attention: What thoughts, feelings and sensations are generated: Space for being heard and held

Dance of Liberation: What have your restrictions taught you? What are you able to do despite restrictions?

Dance of Integration: Weaving between Restriction and Celebration; Conversations between the 2 previous dances: Acceptance? Transcendence? Transformations?

Dance of Identifying Need: Identifying distinctions between Need, wants, expectations and desires: What needs are not being met? What needs can be met?Can you Clarify, articulate and manifest these needs in your life?

Dance of Grief & Celebration: Creation of Rituals for honouring our mind, body and spirit how and as they are; What can be let go of? What do we need to Grieve? What celebrated? What Transformed? What are we grateful for ?

Dance of NOW: What is alive in you right now? What is perfect and what can be developed in order to move forward?

Dance of Constellation: Participants share their learnings with group in any medium: Writings, Drawings, Dance, Performance, Discussion etc