Dance Farming (first steps)

In 2020 I visited Incredible Farm and Warland farm on the Yorkshire/ Lancashire borders in the UK. Inspired to explore those parts by the incomparable Nwando Ebizie

Nwando on't moors
Photo by Lucy Thane


I then went to Keela Yoga farm to work as a Permaculture intern.



I’m Chicken lady!


But I’m most at home in the Nursery..

Farm work is FULL OF SHIT!!! This is me delivering the sheep shit (Compost!) I’ve shovelled to the Chickens before going back to raking the Chicken shit (Compost!). I’m learning a Shitload


and my cosy room is this converted industrial fridge

I made my first foray into “DanceFarming” by offering a Tamalpa based workshop to my fellow interns, Jimmy, Joana and Dal, on Kimberley’s Yoga Deck before we started Farm work on the Monday morning (YES I did get up before Beyonce the Rooster!)